1st Grade Screeners (Assessments)
Language Arts
- i-Ready = This assessment provides an educational classification in order to determine how best to support your child's learning
- IDI (Informational Decoding Inventory) = This assessment targets specific areas within the components of reading
- Short Vowel (CVC "cat" "run" "sit")
- Consonant Blends & Diagraphs ("bl" "sh")
- r-Controlled Vowel Patterns ("ar" "er")
- Vowel-Consonant-e (CVCe "cake" "note")
- Vowel Teams ("ea" "ee" "oa" "oo")
- Multisyllabic Words ("sunny" "cookie")
- Lowercase Letters (Fall only)
- Sounds (Fall only)
- Uppercase Letters (Fall only)
Not currently being used as as assessment but important to work on at home
- WWW (Word Wall Words)
- List
- Includes Kindergarten / 1st Grade / 2nd and 3rd Grade
- List
- Bridges
- Adding Subtracting Using Numbers 0 to 10
- Adding Subtracting Using Numbers 0 to 20
Screener (Assessment) Dates